Starting in the Springtime The Beat
Museum is going "On The Road"!
The Concept of the Beat Museum on Wheels: opened The Beat Museum in Monterey, California in 2003.
We've entertained thousands of visitors this first year and, while we
enjoy this quiet coastal life, we want to do more to allow the many
thousands of people who aren't able to make a trip to California's
Central Coast to see our collection and learn more about the story of the
Beat Generation. The idea for taking our show "On The Road" came about
after we received numerous emails from many of you who live all over the
country expressing your support of what we're doing and your desire to
visit us - "someday".
I envision the Beat Museum on Wheels as a way of continuing to spread the
message of the Beat Generation to America's youth and the population at
large. I can see the Museum turning up at High Schools and Colleges as
well as Poetry Events, Festivals and other appearances across the
country. I can envision the Museum as a catalyst for readings,
discussion groups at bookstores, coffeehouses, and other locales,
encouraging the study of various Beat themes and what it all meant (and
still means) to America and the world.
What the Beat Museum on Wheels will look like:
We've recently acquired a classic Airstream motorhome. For those of you
familiar with such things I think you'll agree the Airstream 345, with
it's beautiful streamlined retro look, is the perfect vehicle to showcase
the spirit of the 50's and the Beat Generation. This beautiful machine
is a real head-turner and will undoubtedly encourage interest in and
study of the Beats as the Museum travels around the country.
In the coming month we will be acquiring and customizing a trailer to
house the Beat Museum on Wheels.
A Call for Volunteers and How You can Help:
This will be a very low budget operation as we bring this dream into
reality, so to that end we're looking for the support of likeminded
people who want to assist us as we spread the Spirit of the Beats across
America in 2004. We're looking for help in the following areas: Event
Coordinators, Corporate Sponsors, Press Contacts, Celebrity Contacts,
Computer and Internet Assistance.
To hear more about our vision for The Beat Museum, you can hear an NPR
radio interview that ran in late 2003 by going to and
clicking on the link that is 2/3's down the homepage.
Thanks very much for your interest and support of and The
Beat Museum!
Jerry Cimino
The Beat Museum
211 W. Franklin Street
Monterey, CA 93940
(831) 372-4911
Before... |

...After |

or Email us by clicking here
P.S.To see another view of the Airstream 345 click here