
-MAY 2003-
Lowell, MA
In "The Flowering City" there was a walk among the flowers in the woods for a Haiku Workshop. "Flowering
City" BMOC, Charles Nikotopoulus, and LCK! Prez, Lawrence Carradini toured with a goodly crowd and some local Native
American guidance. Both were so inspired that they wrote some haikus of their own.
***** *****
Lawrence, MA
On Saturday April 26, 2003, Lowell Celebrates Kerouac! along with The Robert Frost Foundation were just down the road
from Lowell, in Lawrence to celebrate the "Second Annual 400 Years of Poetry in the Merrimack Valley." Included
were live music, snacks, poetry workshops for students of all ages and short videos about the celebrated poets.
To top it off, the winners of an associated school poetry contest were announced, followed by a reading by this year's
Pulitzer Prize winning Irish-born poet, Paul Muldoon.
***** *****
-March 2003-
Lowell, MA
Was the happenin'est!
With showings of Henry Ferrini's, Lowell Blues, at the Lowell National Historical Park, Visitor Center, and Jim Cameron
with his hippest cat friends at the Dove Cafe', Saturday night. You may remember Jim from the 1997 Lowell Celebrates Kerouac!
Festival with poet Anne Waldman in an LCK! tribute to Alan Ginsberg, and from March 2001 with his trio and singer Maggie Galloway.
Always A BLAST! when Jim swings, hot or cool...
* * *
LIVE In The Big Apple -
New York saw a Celebration of Lowells, Jack Kerouac at Midnight with Musician extraordinaire, David Amram (w/John DeWitt,
and Kevin Twigg); poet, and president of Lowell Celebrates Kerouac!, Lawrence Carradini; John Ventimiglia (The Sopranos, and
Jack Kerouac in the new play based on Joyce Johnson's, Door Wide Open); Adira Amram (Joyce in the same play); and poet, "Danse
Oriental" dancer, award-winning journalist, Meg Smith; hosted by Bob H-cool at the Bowery Poetry Club, Bowery and Bleecker
in "The Village." It ROCKED!
At 4:30 AM we were working hard to close the doors and let Bob get home.
***** *****
As were the previous 15. It is always cool in October Lowell. Every Lowell Celebrates Kerouac! Festival has something
memorable. Whether it is something new being presented, or a familiar beat we can tap our foot to. Even the familiar is new.
A different time, new faces, October's roulette weather, a new twist, of lemon, of elbow, of... love, or life - as the saying
goes, It's ALL good.
The Beat Conference over at U. Mass., Lowell, was AWESOME for all those seekers trying to get deeper inside what Jack,
and Beat were all about.
David Amram was AWESOME, as always. No wonder Jack hung out with this gem of a human Being. David is For Real. Don't get
hung up on what For Real means - if you do, you've missed it.
It - being the bus where the driver calls -Either you're ON the bus, or you're OFF the bus.
Friday night was AWESOME. Joyce Johnson, playing herself, and John Ventamiglia playing Jack, Adira Amram as Joyce in the
late 1950's.
What a ringer - talk about casting!
The walls should have been constructed from accordian bellows, because we were stacked to the legal limit of a sardine
catch! And, every one of us glad to be there.
The tours were FABULOUS. The video showings were FABULOUS.
Saturday night was TOO MUCH in the Best Way possible. And the after hours John Sinclair Happenin' was pure J-Sin without
any masks.
The readings were FABULOUS. Thank You, Regina, and all the folks at the Rainbow and at the Sunday Amram Jam.
It is impossible to get all the thank you's in, but to our Canadian friends who came all that way to contribute to our,
meaning All Our (as in meaning Their, as well) festival and make it outstanding, our Nashua friends, Meg Smith for all her
work, and Nancy Herbstman for volunteering her time again and again at the merchandise table,
Thank you SO Much!
Thank you, to our Vice President, Richard Hyatt, for all his In Town work throughout the year. And a special Thanks, to
LCK!'s board of directors. All you folks make it happen.
And, especially, "Thanks," to all you fans of Jack and his work who keep the excitement going.
It is Your enthusiasm that keeps LCK! stoked. And, your support that keeps us able to keep providing all those who would
come (build it and they will...),
with this PHENOM Fest year after year.
Thank You - each and every one of you!
Lawrence Carradini, President
Lowell Celebrates Kerouac!
***** *****
More 03 Thanks
LCK! extends its "Thanks" to you, our membership and non-member contributers, volunteers, partners and granting
agencies; the Massachusetts Cultural Council and LCC, the Lowell Festival Foundation, the Massachusetts Department of Economic
Development, the Greater Merrimack Valley Convention and Visitor's Bureau, the Cultural Organization Of Lowell, Penguin Books,
U. Mass. Lowell, the Estate, Lowell High School, Pollard Memorial Library, Brush with Art Gallery, the Higher Ground Coffee
Shop, The Rainbow Cafe, Barnes and Noble - Lowell, Evos, Capo's, the Old Court; and all the other past and present friends
of Lowell Celebrates Kerouac!, that have and continue to "make happen" what is still considered to be the premiere
literary festival of its kind dedicated to the life and work of Jack Kerouac.
***** *****
William S. Kennedy Jr., editor of the Journal of Spiral Writing, REFLECT, left us on October 17, 2003. W.S., as he was
known to many, was a veteran of the U.S. Navy who later attended the New York School of Music and William and Mary College.
An accomplished jazz musician, who played tenor sax, clarinet, and guitar, Mr. Kennedy founded REFLECT in 1979 which soon
gained the respect of the writing community, especially among poets. Considered one of the finest small press publications
of its kind, REFLECT has been used in several colleges and universities and has continued, with the assistance of Mr. Kennedy's
sister, Clara Holton, since complications of diabetes limited his activities. We will miss you William.
***** *****
FRIDAY, JAN.23,2004
511 WEST 25th STREET
New York, NY 10001
212 779-9250
8PM Doors open 7:30
$7 Regular admission
$3 Students and Seniors
Moderator: Ed Adler
Panelists: Robert C. Morgan, John Sampas, Dawn Ward
ED ADLER is a painter with a long exhibition record, most recently at the Studio 18 - Molly Barnes Gallery "And
the Beats Go On" show and in Solo shows at the Whistler Museum of Art in Lowell, Mass, and the Galerie Christion Siret
in Paris. He is the author of Beyond Words:the Paintings and Drawings of Jack Kerouac and was an organizer of the NYU Beat
Art conference and exhibits of 1994and 1995. He has a Ph.D from NYU and has taught courses there on the Beat Generation and
The Sixties since 1980, He has also taught at the Sorbonne.
***** *****
The Lowell National Historical Park will be showing Henry Ferrini's short film "Lowell Blues," a film poem based
on the book "Dr. Sax," by Lowell native, Jack Kerouac at 4:00 PM daily in the Park Visitor Center on Market Street.
(978) 970-5000
The Parker Lecture Series is featuring two Kerouac related events for March. A 2:00 pm talk from Kerouac aficionado Roger
Brunelle on Kerouacs Beloved Lowell, March 14 and another 2:00 pm presentation March 21 by John Suiter on the authors experiences
researching his book on the Beats (including Jack Kerouac) and the North Cascades. Both lectures are held in cooperation with
the Lowell National Historical Park, and will be held at the Park Visitor Center, on Market Street.
For more information dial (978) 970-5000 or (978) 454-7979 or email: m_g_parker@hotmail.com
***** *****
Magnus Toren @ magnus@henrymiller.org
Coming up at the Henry Miller Library
...I have received guests from around the world here at the Henry Miller Library for over ten years now very often talking
about Kerouac, his books, his life, his influence on world literature...,but most of all, I've answered...: "Where is
the cabin Kerouac lived in while writing Big Sur"...
On Saturday March 20 at 3 PM we will have a fine and knowledgeable visitor, Steve Edington, who will present a talk titled:
Jack Kerouac the vagabond was also the Jack Kerouac who clung to his French-Canadian roots. These roots are what is explored
in Steve Edington's book "Kerouac's Nashua Connection" (available at the Library). The book explores Kerouac's French-Canadian
ancestry and shows how it plays out in his novels, both his Lowell novels and his Road novels.
Steve Edington is the minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashua, New Hampshire. Nashua is the town where
many of Kerouac's relatives lived...
Rev. Edington... an adjunct professor at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell... teaches a course on "The Literature
of the Beat Movement." He (also) serves (as member of)... Lowell Celebrates Kerouac!..., (the non-profit organization
that coordinates and promotes the) annual Kerouac Festival (in Lowell).
Steve Edington will also share some parts of his current work-in-progress The Beat Face of God: The Beat Generation Writers
as Spirit Guides. This work treats the Beat Movement as primarily a religious and spiritual phenomenon--a search for meaning
and authenticity against the cultural backdrop of the America of the 1950s.
A fellow Unitarian Universalist minister..., Ric Masten, will be here (the same afternoon)... Perhaps... (reading from)
his "beat" poems.
***** *****
UNC-Chapel Hill held its first Beat lit. conference, "Beats in America: Alternative Visions, Then and Now,"
the first weekend in April. There was an accompanying rare books exhibit on Ginsberg drawn from UNC's growing collection of
Beat materials. Links to details on these events can be found by clicking on the LCK! links item in the menu located at the
top of this page, then scrolling down the links page.
***** *****
Public Poetry Reading, Thursday, June 3, 2004
LCK!s president, Lawrence Carradini has been asked as a poet , Kerouac enthusiast, and respected Lowellian, along with
Kate Hanson and Denny Ludvino, from Lowells newest Journal, Renovation, and Gigi Thibodeau, poet and adjunct instructor of
poetry at UMass Lowell to judge a poetry contest sponsored by Greater Lowell for Peace and Justice culminating in a public
reading in honor of Memorial Day. The call for submissions is closed at this point, however, were accepted in three categories;
youth, college, and general public. The reading will be held in the Wannalancit building, Suffolk Street, Lowell, Massachusetts,
in the 1st floor conference room from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. A reception with light refreshments will take place at 6:30 pm.
The event is co-sponsored by the UMass Lowell Literary Society and the Peace and Conflict Studies Institute. For more information
contact Professor Diana Archibald. Diana_Archibald@uml.edu
***** *****
KEROUAC Documentary Filmmaker
T h i s S a t u r d a y
July 31, 2004 @ 4:00 PM
Lowell National Historical Park
Visitors Center
246 Market Street, Lowell
Sponsored by LNHP and LCK!
***** *****
The Stone Church Music Club
Literary Jazz: Jack Kerouac Appreciation Night
Sunday January 30th, 2005, 7:00 PM
Granite Street, Newmarket NH.
Dinner Show Not To Be Missed By Kerouac Fans And Those With Literary Interests.
Well-known Spoken Word Artists:
Lawrence Carradini, Best known as a poet and spoken word performer, Lawrence is most recently published on line in the
Evergreen Review.
Lawrence is also the current president of Lowell Celebrates Kerouac!.
Steve Edington, Steve has worked to unearth Kerouac's blood ties to the area.
Steve is a minister at The Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashua, where he recorded a performance titled, The Beats
and All That Jazz.
He also teaches a course on Kerouac and the Beats.
Meg Smith, another artist deeply involved with LCK! Meg has had recent publications in
The Café Review, Pudding, Lunatic Chameleon, and The Bridge Review.
Performing as an oriental dancer, Meg has worked with Lawrence to stage music and dance celebrations of Rumi and other
Eastern poets called
"Dance of the Beloved."
Performing With Noted Jazz Composer/Guitarist:
Larry Simon and his band, Groove Bacteria.
Creator of the music and poetry series Beat Nights at Portsmouth's Press Room,
Larry and his quintet won last year's Spotlight Award for Best Jazz Act.
An open mic will follow the performances
outside performers are encouraged to participate in the open mic. If interested in the open mic, email:
Tickets for the evening are available for $6. Reserve a spot in advance at:
or by calling 603-659-6321.
For menu and ticket sales information please go to: http://www.thestonechurch.com
***** *****
John Cassady, made his journey to Lowell for the October 2004 annual festival, "Further" than anticipated. He
travelled cross country in Jerry Cimino's BeatMobile, much like Jack and Neal, rolled coast to coast. Check out the page linked
at top of LCK!'s home page for pics. Check out Jerry's homepage to get an idea of what you can find inside the magic bus.
(sorry, not live link - but, SHOULD be easy enough to remember)
Also, you can link to a blog with text and pics from the trip from his site.
***** *****
An exhibit of Jack Kerouac's selected drawings and paintings was rescheduled for late April due to snow.
There will be a reception and book signing from by Ed Adler, the editor of the new monograph collection "Departed
Angels," in which much of the hanging work is included. Books will be available for sale.
Sponsored by the Whistler House Museum of Art.
243 Worthen Street
Lowell, MA
For more information call (978) 452-7641
***** *****
Lowell Celebrates Kerouac would like to honor the complexity of beliefs held by Jack Kerouac at this time by expressing
the organization's most heartfelt sympathy to those mourning the loss of His Holiness, Pope John Paul II.
***** *****
LCK! feels the loss of festival friend and poet, Robert Creeley. We extend our warmest wishes for healing to his many
fans, friends, and family.
***** *****
LCK! extends its utmost regards to the friends, fans and family of Lucien Carr. Our thoughts also go out to the friends,
fans, and family of Gonzo Journalist, Hunter S. Thompson.
***** *****
As part of the 2005 Portsmouth, Jazzmouth, Poetry/Jazz Festival
Saturday April, 16th
Super "Beat Night" Extravaganza
(admission $10-$12)
Unitarian Church (South Church) State Street, Portsmouth, NH
David Amram and Charles Simic
Showcasing poets and musicians who have been collaborating in this mixed medium for years.
The event may sell out. Advance tickets are available: $10 advance at The Press Room, $10 advance at The Music Hall (you
can order by phone using a Credit Card-603-436-2400 or online: www.themusichall.org) or $11 advance at all Bullmoose Music
Arrive early and take advantage of any one of Portsmouths many fine dining establishments.
***** *****
Lowell/Nashua "Sister City" Kerouac Poetry Event was held Friday, March 11, 2005 at
Blackbird Books & Cafe'
221 Main Street
Nashua, NH 03060
Kerouac aficionado, Suffolk County New York poet laureate, George Wallace was joined by David Amram for a well attended
evening of collaboration, just like David did with Jack Kerouac back in The Village. The reading was followed by an open mic.
Sponsored by Blackbird Books & Cafe'
***** *****
March 12, 2005 was the first official celebration of Jack Kerouac day throughout the Commonwealth by act of the state
The news originally broke with that (with some assist from our very own Congressman, The Mighty Marty M.) Kerouac's On
The Road Scroll will be coming to Lowell to be placed on display during the summer of 2007. This will be a community effort
spearheaded by the University of Massachusetts - Lowell, the Lowell National Historical Park, and the Cultural Organization
of Lowell (COOL). Lowell Celebrates Kerouac! president, Lawrence Carradini, announced LCK!'s commitment to the effort at a
press conference held by Congressman Meehan in front of the Kerouac wall panel display in the LNHP Visitor Center, attended
by LCK! vice president, Richard Hyatt, representatives from the above mentioned organizations, the estate, and city government.
Lowell Celebrates Kerouac! began demonstrating that commitment immediately, by donating a portion of the proceeds from
LCK!'s Birthday Celebration at Capo's held to honor the 82nd anniversary of Jack Kerouac's birth, to the kitty. The party
was a huge success! Great music by Evan Goodrow and The Hot Spot Jazz Trio, along with great readings by a sampling of established,
and burgeoning, poets from the greater Lowell arts community. LCK! is pleased to welcome Capo's as one of its partnering organizations
contributing to the celebration of Jack Kerouac in Lowell.




Come join David Amram in celebrating the contribution of Lowell Celebrates Kerouac! in coordinating and providing funding
support, with help from their various partnering organizations over the past 20 years, that has helped to make the annual
Lowell Celebrates Kerouac! Festival one of the cornerstones of what makes Lowell a Destination City.
This Saturday, January 13, 2007 at Caffe' Paradiso on the corner of Middle and Parmer Streets. The event will feature
short performances by several talents, including David Amram and featuring remembrances of Jack Kerouac by individuals who
knew him personally. The event is free and begins between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM. Activities are scheduled to go until approximately
3:30/4:00 PM.
The Buzz
Jacks original scroll manuscript of On The Road arrives in Lowell on June 7 and will be at the Boott
Cotton Mill at the foot of John Street until September 16. There will be a number of events going on throughout the city during
the summer in conjunction with its presence. One major event will be the 20th anniversary celebration of Lowell Celebrates
Kerouac, on July 7. We will have a snapshot, so to speak, of our typical four day October festival. Obviously, we will not
be able to capture all of the activities that occur over a four day period but, hope to capture the flavor of the festival.
Plans for the 7th include The Commemorative at the Commemorative located in Kerouac Park at the intersection of Bridge and
French streets, beginning at 10:00 AM. This will include readings and brief musical performances, followed by a noon to 1:30
PM concert by the seminal folk/rock duo, Aztec Two Step. From 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM we will be having a special Amram Jam featuring
world renowned musician and personal friend of Jack Kerouac, David Amram, at the Rainbow Cafe on Cabot Street. There will
be a limited sign-up to read ones poetry in collaboration with David, as we still have a full evening ahead of us with 10,000
Maniacs, at Boarding House Park, starting at 7:00 PM. Additional scroll-related activities are being presented by other Scroll
to Lowell partners for Friday and Sunday as well. LCK has arranged for discounted rooms at one of the areas premier hotels
located in the center of downtown Lowell. The DoubleTree Hotel has generously contracted with us for, the low rate of $89
plus tax per night, a block of 20 rooms. Additionally, we have arranged for complimentary parking at the adjacent parking
garage, in the event one returns to the hotel and the hotel lot is full. Parking passes from the garage can be validated at
the hotels front desk. Please make your reservations by June 8. All rooms not reserved by that date will be released for general
sale. Take advantage of this great rate by calling 1 800 222 TREE or 978 452 1200. Lowell Celebrates Kerouac will, additionally,
be holding our annual 4 day Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Festival this autumn, from October 4 through October 7.
Lowell Celebrates Kerouac! (LCK!) wishes to thank the Lowell Cultural Council (LCC) for partial funding of LCK! sponsored
events listed as part of the On the Road in Lowell summer programs. It was a fabulous summer of celebration with the original
scroll manuscript here all the way through the 20th Annual Lowell Celebrates Kerouac! Festival. Again, LCK! wishes to thank
the Lowell Cultural Council for assistance in funding some of the festival programming as well.
Just to Recount: So, We Are Off To A Rousing Start
The March 10, 2007 Jack Kerouac Birthday Bash held at Life Alive was a standing room only, feel good, event in the tradition
of previous LCK March Birthday celebrations.
Noted Lowell area authors and scholars, Jay Atkinson, Roger Brunelle, Lawrence Carradini, Paul Marion and Meg Smith read
from Jacks works, sharing his remembrances of Lowell while he was on the road. Lowell Celebrates Kerouac officer, Nancy Herbstman
also read passages that reveal Jacks thoughts seldom left Lowell for very long.
The readings accented the evenings music presented by area musicians, Bob Hand who performed a short tribute to Bob Dylan
and a full evening of music provided by area favorites, the recently reformed ensemble, The City Council. LCK would like
to thank Mr. Dave Norton for production assistance.
Refreshments and Lowell Celebrates Kerouac merchandise were available for purchase.
The Honorable Mayor, William F. Martin not only presented us with a copy of his own proclamation reestablishing March
12 as Jack Kerouac day in Lowell but, read aloud Governor Deval Patricks proclamation reestablishing March 12 as Jack Kerouac
day throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Ms. L.Z. Nunn, director of the Cultural Organization Of Lowell (COOL), took a couple of minutes to present an overview
of upcoming OTR Scroll related events.
With the assistance of Mr. John Sampas, executor of the Kerouac estate, the University of Massachusetts Lowell, the Lowell
National Historical Park, Lowell Celebrates Kerouac, COOL, the Pollard Library, the Lowell Poetry Network and others, the
Scroll to Lowell Committee has been working to create a full summer of activities designed to compliment the presence of Jack
Kerouacs famous scroll manuscript of On The Road while on display, summer 2007, in Lowell.
And, the Kerouac related fun doesnt end in September. The annual Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Festival will be held Columbus
day weekend in October, kicked off the previous weekend by the annual running of the Jack Kerouac 5K Road Race.
We are looking forward to a great extended season of Kerouac related fun here in Lowell.
***** *****
Happy Birthday Jack Kerouac!
Celebrate Kerouac's Birthday in Lowell:
Friday-March 7, "Talkin' Jack" at Bob Pare Studio
7:30 PM 117 Market Street
Drop in and converse about Kerouac's writings have been a part of your life. Wine and cheese provided.
*** *** ***
Saturday-March 8, Kerouac Memorabilia Display, Lowell Gallery
6:00-7:30 PM 14 Jackson Street
Kerouac related art, posters and first editions. Guy LeFebvre host.
*** *** ***
Saturday-March 8, Kerouac Birthday Party! Olive That And More
7:30 PM 167 Market Street
Readings and music followed by an open mike. Governers proclamation of Jack Kerouac Day AND cake!
*** *** ***
Wednesday-March 12, Documentary premiere, O'Leary Library
7:00 PM U-Mass Lowell 121 Wilder Street
Documentary Produced by Bridget Driscoo and Mill City Studios about last summer's "Scroll" exhibit followed by a community
forum, "Where do we go with Kerouac?" led by Paul Marion.
B U L L E T I N B O A R D ____________________
Help Keep The Kerouac Legacy Alive In Lowell Beyond 2007! _________________________________________________________
This is an exciting year for Lowell Celebrates Kerouac!. The original scroll manuscript of On The Road will be in
Lowell during the year of Jack's best known work's 50th publication anniversary --- for virtually the entire summer! And,
it happens during the year of the 20th anniversary of Jack's home city celebrating his life and work with the annual Lowell
Celebrates Kerouac! Festival.
You can be a part of the excitement by participating in the monthly festival event planning
meeting held at the Pollard Memorial Library on Merrimack Street. We meet every third Wednesday of the month, starting at
7:15 PM, in the ground floor function room. And now is a perfect opportunity for you to become a decision maker in the process.
Several board members and officers, though most staying on as EPC (Event Planning Committe) members, will be stepping down
after this October's LCK! festival. LCK! is looking for new voices and ideas and we are eager to hear your thoughts and see
your faces join those already around the table. By involving yourself now, contributing to the upcoming summer events and
October festival, you will introduce yourself to an exciting world of artists, entertainers, and scholars.
It is an
Olympian challenge that has proven worth accepting while the effort has more than survived, but has flourished, with the test
of time. Help us keep passing the flame.
Yours truly, The BoD of Lowell Celebrates Kerouac!
***** *****
The house that Jack was born in on 9 Lupine Road, is now visually designated as such. The event commemorating this
honor was attended March 26, 2005 by the mayor of Lowell, the Kerouac estate, U Mass, and community organizations, including
***** *****
Monthly Event Planning Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month beginning
at 7:15 PM in the downstairs meeting room of the Pollard Memorial Library on Merrimack Street, Lowell, MA.
***** *****
Daily showings of Henry Ferrini's highly acclaimed award winning 30 minute film, Lowell Blues, based on passages from
Kerouac's, Dr. Sax continue at the Lowell National Historic Park Visitor Center. 4:00 PM Lowell National Historic
Park Visitor Center Market Street Lowell, MA (978) 970-5000
***** *****
***** *****
This will be the 5th annual running of the Kerouac 5K Road Race.
Selected items, previously appearing on the Bulletin Board, will be archived in this location.

